Game Navigation
Mint Land
- Type a name for your Land, mint costs 100 SUI.
- Click Mint.
- Land can be renamed and a description added below.
- Lands emit 20 BLOOD & 20 TIME per day per level.
- BLOOD & TIME can be claimed on this page after 24 hours.
Land Level Up
- Select a land to levelup.
- Each level costs 100 SUI.
- Each level up increases emission by 20 BLOOD & TIME per day.
- You will get "Back Pay" for older lands on level up.
Claim Land Emission
- Select a Land to claim BLOOD & TIME.
- Each land emits 20 BLOOD & TIME per day per level.
- You can claim once per day.
Update Land Name
- Select the Land that you would like to rename above.
- Type a new name for your Land below.
- Click Update Name button.
Update Land Description
- Select the Land that you would like to update description above.
- Type a new description for your Land below.
- Click Update Description button.